Moulds are naturally occurring micro-organisms (fungi) that:
Mould come in different colours depending on the:
Mould in Your Home
Moulds prefer damp, warm environments, and can grow wherever the conditions are right e.g. on walls, floors, appliances, carpet, furniture, clothes, and shoes. They come in different colours depending on the type, formative conditions, nutrient source, and age. Mould colours include:
In spite of their colour, mould can make you sick.
Moulds Can Make You Sick!!!
Moulds produce mycotoxins that can be harmful to your health. Moulds thrive in wet or humid conditions such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, shower cubicles, and also appear following a burst pipe or flooding.
They are often a dark, greenish-black, sometimes grey colour with a distinct musty odour. These toxins can be dangerous, especially for vulnerable groups, especially those with pre-existing respiratory conditions including:
Symptoms of Mould Exposure
How to Prevent Mould Contamination in Your Home
Persons can prevent or minimise mould contamination by:
Commercial Mould Contamination
Mould can spread quickly through a building if left untreated, and cause widespread contamination. Mould contamination can have serious, expensive consequences to your business operations leading to:
Commercial mould contamination can start from minor water intrusions like a slow roof leak or loose plumbing fitting. We respond quickly and use environmentally friendly methods to control mould contamination and help prevent the spread of mould to other parts of the building.